Friday, January 8, 2010

FOUR Things Alanna is Excited For

(Because he inspires me.... and because our relationship is sustained by friendly competition)

1. Being very, very bad vegetarians.
2. Babies. I've heard that it's common for mothers to plunk their children in the laps of strangers on cramped 16-hour minibus rides across the desert -- nothing could appeal to me more.
3. Improving my already stellar Swahili (ex. "Naweza kupata biya ndizi rafiki wa kiume mzungu wapi?" means "Where can I find banana beer for my white boyfriend?")
4. Serenading my white boyfriend with this song when I discover that despite all my research, I have booked our beach resort vacation-from-our-vacation right in the middle of what is called 'the long rains'.



Scott said...

aw man

rebeccius said...

Oh wow, two more sleeps now! I'll be following your trip with great interest. Looking forward to your thoughts and advice! Safe travels :)

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